This year’s Wallingford Car Rally on Sunday 11th May was a great success, raising just short of £10,000 in total. Footsteps Foundation was the principal charity so we were there all day selling hot dogs and raffle tickets, running a children’s tombola and face painting and of course, collecting lots of money with our buckets.
Fundraising Manager, Clare, even volunteered herself to be rescued and cut out of a car by the Emergency Services. The display certainly attracted a lot of people and luckily Clare got out of the car in one piece!
We also had the privilege of awarding a prize to our favourite car of the day. A beautiful white Rolls-Royce, owned by a local resident, stole our hearts.
After a successful and exciting event, Footsteps Foundation raised just over £5,000, which will help to fund therapy and specialist equipment for children with neurological disorders. We wouldn’t have achieved this without the support of our fantastic volunteers, the event committee and the generous public so thank you to everyone involved in helping us raise this fantastic amount. It was great to be part of such a well-established and fun local event!