Local literary quiz raises £1,025

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMostly Books in Abingdon chose to support Footsteps Foundation through their annual quiz night which took place last month. We rounded up a team of amazing volunteers who baked delicious treats and helped us to run the bar on the night. Through ticket and raffle sales and the bar, we raised an incredible £1,025 which will fund over 20 hours of therapy for children at Footsteps. Thank you to the team at Mostly Books and our wonderful volunteers.

Nicki Thornton from mostly Books said:  “Our annual Book Quiz is a really popular community event and it’s great to support such a fantastic and worthwhile local charity. We hope the money raised can be put to good use keeping up the excellent work the charity does. We appreciated all the hard work that the volunteers put into the refreshments and the hard work on the night, it really enhanced a fun evening and we are glad that it raised lots of money too.”

Corney & Barrow Bars Xmas Extravaganza

C&B Christmas fundraising

Christmas fundraising was a breeze for the team from Corney & Barrow Bars who are one of our corporate partners this year. They raised over £5,000 for Footsteps Foundation by asking people to add £1 to their bills in December. What a fantastic idea! A big thanks to the team at Corney & Barrow, and to the Angus Lawson Memorial Trust who were responsible for introducing us to C&B.

Join the Footsteps team at TrekFest 2015…

Trekfest_BB_Saturday_8_of_544Taking on TrekFest is no mean feat, but the challenge is simple – every trekker aims to complete the 54 mile route within 24 hours, the 27/29 mile route within 12 hours or the 13 mile route within 6 hours.

These treks are very well supported and sign-posted and an amazing challenge for groups of colleagues or friends as well as solo trekkers.


We already have a team of participants from Hedges Law LLP and some of the Footsteps staff are even considering the challenge so why don’t you dust off your walking shoes and get involved in the action.


Why should you take part?

  • The good thing about TrekFest is that YOU can choose YOUR location and YOUR distance so you can sign up solo or with friends and colleagues and still do the challenge that is right for you.


  • It promises to be an AMAZING EXPERIENCE – beautiful locations, tremendous trekking routes, gorgeous grub, fantastic facilities and a cheerful crew will be to hand.


  • Footsteps Foundation will provide you with a fundraising pack and a specialist running top as well as guidance and encouragement in the lead up to your challenge.


  • You can be sure that every pound you raise will help a disabled child on their own Footsteps journey, helping them to take their first independent steps and improve in confidence and independence through the Footsteps physiotherapy programme.


So don’t delay in signing up for TrekFest 2015… You can find more about the two challenges at http://www.trekfest.org.uk/ You can also SIGN UP NOW for your preferred location and distance through the TrekFest website.




We are offering a free place in the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon on the 15th March. The minimum sponsorship requirement has already been covered but we don’t want the place to go to waste. All that we ask is you try to raise some more money for Footsteps Foundation and the place could be yours! Those interested should email info@footstepsfoundation.com


Callum final Christmas pictureWith the last Footsteps session of the year now coming to an end, we wish a very Merry Christmas to all of our families, supporters and volunteers.

Thanks to the valuable support of our donors and volunteers, Footsteps Foundation has funded over 185 physiotherapy sessions at Footsteps in 2014, benefitting 90 individual children throughout the year. 60% of Footsteps families have been supported by Footsteps Foundation’s family grants project in 2014. Thank you to all of our supporters for helping us to achieve this.

The Footsteps Centre has delivered an outstanding 9516 hours of therapy this year, helping children with neurological disorders to maximise their full potential. Well done to all of the children who have attended sessions at Footsteps and thank you to their families for showing incredible commitment and determination.

You can read the Footsteps Christmas Newsletter 2014 here – it’s packed full of news and stories that will make you smile!


Bicester bucket collection

The countdown to Christmas has begun…on Sunday 14th December, our volunteers helped us to run a bucket collection at Bicester Avenue Garden Centre. They raised a total of £127.64! We couldn’t resist sharing some of the photos with you. Thank you to our helpful Christmas elves and their parents of course!!

Dorchester school carol singing Dec 14

Carol singers singing success

Dorchester school carol singing Dec 14On Tuesday 16th December, the delightful choir at St. Birinus Primary School, just down the road from the Footsteps Centre, sung their hearts out to raise money for Footsteps Foundation.

The choir sung a number of carols outside the Co-Op and raised a fantastic £63.51 in just one hour. We went over to join them with a big box of chocolates, which the children loved! Thank you to everyone involved.


The countdown to Christmas…

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThanks to Mattel’s recent donation of toys to Footsteps Foundation, we are pleased to say that each child on the last Footsteps session of the year will be given a lovely Christmas present.

The toys donated are just brilliant…we are pretty sure they will put a smile on the children’s faces at the end of their session.

Thank you to Mattel for their generous donation this Christmas.








Xmas panto 2014 Charlie GraingerAlso, some of the children on session 17 were lucky enough to be given the opportunity to attend the Christmas pantomime at the Playhouse Theatre in Oxford, thanks to the generous support of the Freemasons.

Here’s what Charlies’ family had to say: “Everyone had a wonderful time, the panto was really well put together and all the children were treated to glow bands, ice cream and sweets at half time, and a goody bag for each child when they left. Charlie absolutely loved the show and participated in all the banter and clapping that goes with these shows. A memorable afternoon for him.”

Thank you to the Freemasons for offering the tickets to Footsteps. We’re glad to hear that the children had a great time!




Winter weekend of Footsteps fundraising

Phoebe, Jen and familyOur wonderful volunteers joined forces during the weekend of the 21st November to raise money for Footsteps Foundation.

Friday night kicked off the fundraising with a Chocoholics party, hosted by Footsteps mum and fundraising committee member, Jenny Hinde. Tempting chocolates were ready to taste and guests places ordered for chocolates, from which Footsteps Foundation will get a percentage.

On Saturday, our volunteers were busy baking and selling cakes and crafts at the Watlington Christmas Market. Just under £200 was made on the day, with thanks to our volunteers.

Also, on Saturday and on Sunday too, we were lucky to have lots of willing volunteers to stand in the cold and wet weather, helping us to raise money through our bucket collection at Millets Farm. Over the weekend, the bucket collection raised £280.

Thank you to everyone who helped out over the weekend – we couldn’t have done it without you!

Ben crosses the NYC Marathon finish line…

Ben Peterson NYC marathonBen Peterson’s second cousin, Ollie, attends Footsteps and having seen the progress he has made over the past few years, Ben decided to take part in the New York City Marathon, raising money for Footsteps Foundation and helping to support Ollie through his therapy.

Ben crossed the finish line in 4 hours and 25 minutes, which is a real achievement considering the weather conditions on the day. He said: “ It was such a fantastic adventure and the whole experience will be unforgettable. The support around the course was unbelievable.”

Ben has done a fantastic job with the fundraising, with a current total of £3,268. Congratulations Ben!

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