James Howard is going to swim across the English Channel in support Footsteps. James’ son Aiden was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy over a year ago, with help provided by Footsteps, Aiden is now able to crawl, sit up unaided and has even started to walk with a little help from Dad. See the Oxbox interview with James about his upcoming 40km swim. Please do support James by contacting the Footsteps Centre, or Swiminasuit.
Category: Footsteps Foundation
Footsteps Foundation receives generous grants
Footsteps Foundation has recently received generous grants from the following:
- The Bosher Hinton Foundation
- The John Horniman’s Children’s Trust
- CHK Ltd
- The Elizabeth Jane Foundation
- South Oxfordshire District Council
The Boparan Charitable Trust
The Boparan Charitbale Trust is a charity based in Birmingham which can provide funding for accommodation. For more information please visit www.theboparancharitabletrust.com.
Knightrider Challenge – not such an easy ride!
Footsteps Fundraiser John Chevis completed the London Knightrider cycle in 6 hours and 20 minutes raising money for Footsteps Foundation. The cycle passed over 50 London landmarks. The cycle was not without its fair share of drama, John says “dodging drunken people leaving pubs and clubs was an interesting experience, and I had one puncture about three miles from the half way stop at Alexandria Palace.
Unfortunately there are no pictures of John, ironically as he was taking a photo at Crystal Palace dressed in a Footsteps T Shirt, he got run over by another cyclist!
Donations using JustTextGiving
Did you know you can now text your donations using JustTextGiving.
To donate directly to Footsteps Foundation just text: Foot11 £xx to 70070.
Donations using this code will be allocated to Footsteps Foundation grants and awards.
To create a text code for a specific child please follow the online instructions on your fundraising page.
Grant Applications Accepted
For those new to Footsteps you may not be aware of Footsteps Foundation, a charity which awards grants towards payment of sessions at the Footsteps Centre. Applications are accepted throughout the year. For more information download an application or contact the office.
It’s not too late to join our Slim-a-thon
Since November 2010 I have lost nearly 2 1/2 stone through weightwatchers! But there are other well known weight loss programmes out there. The comments from Footsteps parents have been fantastic, I feel much healthier and have dropped 3 dress sizes! And am now regularly running up to 5km. Other mums have also commented that they wish they had the will power to do the same—so now is your chance!
From 1st July –31 December Footsteps Foundation is running a slim-a-thon.
Here’s the deal
By what ever ‘sensible’ means eg. joining a club, getting healthier or ‘watching what you eat ‘ let’s aim to lose as much weight in 6 months and raise money for Footsteps Foundation. Ask friends and family to sponsor you up until Christmas. Keep track of your weight loss, the results of the final weigh in will be published in the January newsletter (no names will be mentioned)
There will be a prize for the biggest loser! And the biggest fundraiser.
Anyone interested in joining please contact me polly@footstepsfoundation.com
Let the slimming begin!